Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Matching Cards

Today my room leader introduced a set of 'matching cards' to the program.
Alot of the children are starting to show an interest in developing their writing and reading skills.
We thought this was a good way for the visual learners to become familiar with letters and numbers.
We made a set of letters too, and the plan is that we will only put out the first letter from each child's name. This way, the letters have purpose and meaning and familiarity. 
It is also a good activity for children who arent quite at the stage where they want to learn to write their name/read their own books because they can match the letters by site.

These cards are so open ended. Here are some ideas of how you could use them
  • Ask children to find you a set of matching numbers
  • Hold up a card and ask children to find the one that matches
  • Get children to line them all up in order (backwards or forwards)
  • Ask children to group together the even and odd numbers (for the older ones)
  • Encourage the children to make bigger numbers and tell you what they are (for the older ones)
  • Ask children to find their age in number. And then ask them to find the number they will turn next year.
  • Get children to group together numbers with similiar features. i.e, numbers with holes 6 8 0, numbers with no straight lines 6 8 3 etc etc
  • Point to a number and ask children to name it
  • Turn them all upside down and the children can use their memory to pick up two matching ones

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